Please share the message below from SMH Chief Medical Officer Dr Apostolakos with your crews. As we enter the fall, we can expect ebbs and flows of COVID, flu, and other respiratory illnesses throughout the next 6-ish months. Please continue to have masks readily available for crews and patients, and encourage their use particularly for those with respiratory illnesses, but strongly consider them as clinical and environmental circumstances dictate. Please be respectful and conscientious of individual facility masking policies as masking in all likelihood will remain an institutional- or facility-specific policy, and not a state one. I suspect that RRHS will be mirroring such guidance.
From Dr A-
We are seeing an uptick in COVID cases locally and nationally, including recent clusters and nosocomial transmission to patients and employees within our hospitals. As a result, for the safety and protection of all and to stem the current trend, beginning Wednesday, at Strong Memorial Hospital, we will resume masking for staff in patient care areas. Masking in ambulatory areas is encouraged for all and masks should be worn by anyone with respiratory symptoms.
We understand the stress this can add to our care teams and appreciate everyone's cooperation. We are closely tracking cases and will update these guidelines as the situation changes.
Beginning Wednesday, Aug. 21, until further notice:
· Masking is required for staff when providing direct patient care or having contact with patients in inpatient and ED areas of the hospital.
· Masking is strongly encouraged in areas where staff congregate with one another, especially when COVID cases are occurring among staff.
· Masking is strongly encouraged throughout the hospital, including ambulatory areas.
Thank you,