The Quality Improvement for EMS Agencies page on the Department of Health website has been updated as follows:
In the Documents section at the bottom of the page, the file Quality Measures (XLSX) (December 2024) was updated:
Cardiac 2 Initial Patient Population was updated to remove the phrase who received a pre-hospital 12 = lead
Change Log tab was added to track revisions to the spreadsheet
Please share this with your regional quality leaders at agencies. If you, or an EMS agency quality leader or EMS agency leader identify any concerns or wish to pose questions, please ask them to email and we will review the changes with the leadership of Quality Metrics. This revision was suggested by Jill Brauner from Twin City Ambulance.
Thank you for your leadership and support of EMS Quality.
Peter L. Brodie, AEMT, BS
Branch Chief, Data and Informatics Unit
Division of State Emergency Medical Systems