North Country REMSCO
The North Country Regional Emergency Medical Services Council (REMSCO) carries out its responsibilities pursuant to Article 30 of the New York State Public Health Law and Part 800 of the NYS CCRR. This Council, comprised of 21 members, has representation from: out-of-hospital emergency medical care providers from the fire service; community volunteers, not-for-profit and commercial ambulance service sectors; physicians; nurses; health planning agencies; hospitals; police services; county government; the business community; and other constituencies promoting good health. By statute, the Council is charged with several responsibilities including coordination of emergency medical services in the North Country Region.
North Country REMSCO Membership

North Country REMAC
The Regional Emergency Medical Advisory Committee (REMAC) is charged with developing policies, procedures, triage, treatment, and transportation protocols that are consistent with the standards of the state emergency medical advisory committee and which address specific local conditions. Quality assurance initiatives and the overall clinical operation of the North Country Emergency Medical Services System are also among the primary goals of the REMAC.
Paul Barter
Justin Bhatla
Robert Bowman
Melissa Brook
Dr. Daniel Bryden
Dr. Ryan Coates
Mark Deavers
Dr. Sarah Delaney-Rowland
Brian Draper
Dr. Spencer Heggers
Amanda Henry
Dr. Todd Howland
Dr. Maya Lundborg-Gray
Robert Mackenzie
Dr. Matthew Maynard
Jonathan Mitchell
Christopher Singleton
Debbie Singleton
Mark Tuttle
Col. Evelyn Vento
North Country Membership Information
Nominations to the Council shall be made by the Membership Committee, consisting of one member from each county, as appointed by the Council Chair. When an opening exists, the position shall be advertised in the appropriate county newspaper(s), newsletter(s), and the Program Agency website requesting applications, which must include a letter of intent and a resume. The committee shall present applicants for review at the Council meeting, which first occurs following the application deadline. The committee shall present its recommendation for membership at the following Council meeting, at which time a vote shall be taken. Election to the Council shall be by a majority vote of those Council members present. New members shall be seated immediately following the vote.
The Membership Committee shall advertise for, receive and review letters of intent, applications, and resumes for filling Council vacancies. The Membership Committee shall present these applications to the Council and make its recommendations as specified in Article III. The Membership Committee shall review the attendance records of each member prior to each regular meeting to determine if the requirements are fulfilled as specified in Article III. The Committee shall perform such other related duties as determined by the Chair.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all documents are submitted prior to the due date.
Certificate of Need (CON) Information
*These fees/deposits were approved by full council at the June 5, 2017 meeting.
Deposit required for a full CON — $6,500.00*
$6500.00 for the first county, $500 each for each additional county.
Expenses include but are not limited to: phone calls, travel, mailings, and certified mailings, public hearing officer, facility to hold public hearing, stenographer at both public hearing and Article 30 meeting to record vote. Any unused balance will be returned to the applicant.
Deposit required for a transfer CON — $1,000.00*
Expenses include but are not limited to: phone calls, travel, mailings, and certified mailings, stenographer at Article 30 meeting to record vote. Any unused balance will be returned to the applicant.
Deposit required for a Clarification of Territory (COT) — $0.00
Expenses include but are not limited to: phone calls, travel, mailings, and certified mailings, stenographer at Article 30 meeting to record vote. Any unused balance will be returned to the applicant.
North Star Alliance, Inc.
Application for Certificate of Need
Past Meetings
To view all current and past meetings, please click on the link to the FDRHPO EMS Progam Agency YouTube Channel